No other system or assessment describes the intrinsic purpose of a person like SIMA®

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An important aspect of our work incorporates the SIMA® Process.  Since 1961 the SIMA® Process (the System to Identify Motivated Abilities®) has been informing leaders in the nonprofit, Church, and corporate worlds in understanding and maximizing the essence of an individual’s unique design.

The SIMA® Process is not a psychometric test or personality assessment that categorizes or compares individuals to established norms, standards, or types. Unique purpose and giftedness cannot be captured in a list of words, scores or grids.

SIMA® is an in-depth discovery process that unpacks a person’s satisfying achievements from throughout their life through reflective writing, a tailored biographical interview and the development and application of their distinct motivational profile.

SIMA® uncovers specific patterns of design and describes a person’s essential operating system in terms of ideal work circumstances, core motivated abilities and gifts, ideal work and leadership roles, and an overall purpose for leadership and life.

When incorporated in leadership search or in leadership coaching, the SIMA® Process provides detailed insights on a person’s fit to specific roles, the proper on-boarding strategies or support they require to thrive, and a fundamental understanding to help them grow as a leader according to their unique design.